Koi's Notebook


Igorrr (Gautier Serre) (b. 1984 June 5) is a musician. His music primarily can be categorized as experimental, electronic music with influences from baroque, breakcore, metal. One such example would be his Spaghetti Forever (in Savage Sinusoid).

I found out Igorrr through ente from Xinutec. Perhaps one of my earliest contact with hardcore/metal genres. The track was Vegetable Soup from his album Hallelujah, which features a chicken instrumental solo, and some other crazy drumming.

He also collaborates with Laure Le Prunenec on Corpo Mente. Check them out playing live here! It is quite incredible; an easier listen compared to Igorrr. The lyrics in the video is a language from Laure’s project: Rïcïnn.

Igorrr is one of the main reasons I started this encyclopedia as English Wikipedia refuses to have this article based on notability despite the Italian and French Wikipedia having it.

– 2017/12/30

Update 2024: After some disputes in the Wikipedia Talk Pages back in 2018, I and another Wikipedian successfully argued for the page’s existence. View it here.


  • Artist Homepage link
  • Recommended Album: Hallelujah link